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K6 stages example. k6 aggregates metrics according to their type.

In some cases, people in this stage do not understand that their behavior is damaging, or they are under-informed about the consequences of their actions. This is probably the best candidate for modeling real-world testing scenarios, allowing k6 to transition the desired iteration rate from one stage to another. Executors are the workhorses of the k6 execution engine. Our example performed, 4020 iterations over the course of the test. User-centered observability: load testing, real user monitoring, and synthetics Learn how to use load testing, synthetic monitoring, and real user monitoring (RUM) to understand end users' experience of your apps. The variable is 0 when executing the setup and teardown functions. tagWithCurrentStageIndex Example of one HTTP GET request. Up to 20 Vus (virtual users) for 2 minutes and 20 seconds over 3 stages; Inspect the k6 end-of-test summary. We use the reqres publicly hosted REST API to showcase the testing with k6. It is commonly used by single-page apps (SPAs) and mobile apps, to add server-push based functionality, which usually improves performance in polling-based solutions. To test with monitoring in place, run: yarn test-with-monitoring:demo. Context: meet service-level objectives. k6-template-es6 - Starter template using Webpack and Babel to enable ES6 features in k6 tests. Now you can execute your load tests. Jun 23, 2022 · One of the questions we often get in the forum is how to run distributed Grafana k6 tests on your own infrastructure. Jan 4, 2022 · Tip: The options = {} object in the k6 test is optional for running HTTP tests, but it is very handy when we are running load tests with k6. It is designed for conducting load tests on APIs and web browsers. For example if you add two false and one true value, the percentage becomes 33%. It returns a zero-based number equal to the position in the shortcut stages array or in the executor’s stages array. Given the following script: 1 import http from "k6/http"; 2. preAllocatedVUs sets the number of VUs to initialize to meet the target iteration rate. k6 provides a few converters to help you incorporate the wider API tooling ecosystem into your load tests: Postman-to-k6 converter: to create a k6 test from a Postman collection. Reuse and re-run tests. People in this stage are often described as "in denial," because they claim that their behavior is not a problem. There are two solutions: Just run the script in a loop in a bash/cmd/shell script - will have some pauses in between runs as k6 will need to initialize again. k6 - stages ramping example script. How to Run k6? There are various methods of Feb 29, 2024 · For example, if our app typically has 100 users during weekdays and 1000 on weekends, this test helps see how it handles that load. C/C++ Code &lt;!DOCTYPE Jan 18, 2022 · Executors in k6 are like traffic cops. This wiggle room should ensure that if variance comes into play we don’t get a false positive on our pipeline execution. Nov 7, 2018 · Figure 5: Example Load Test Chart. That means they must not start with a number and a metric name can be 1 to 128 symbols of: any Unicode Letters k6 Learn. g. Let’s get started!! The above few paragraphs are taken from their official… The k6 documentation website. To A 2-3 hour k6 workshop with practical k6 examples using the QuickPizza demo app. If any of the thresholds had failed, the little green checkmark next to the threshold name (http_req_failed, http_req_duration) would be a red cross and k6 would exit with a non-zero exit code. Step 3: Run k6 tests and send the k6 metrics to TimescaleDB. The character limit is the same limit k6 had before restricting the character set down. io⭐ GitHub Repo: https://github. {stages: [{ duration: '2m', target: 30 }, k6 lets you store the results with more details in the Thanks to some helper functions in the k6-jslib-utils project, if an executor supports the stages option, you can add tags with the current ongoing stage. The tooling around REST APIs is vast, but there's not much focus on performance testing. js --out cloud tells k6 to output results to the cloud. Stream the results to one or multiple services of your choice (for example, InfluxDB or Prometheus). How and what kind of metrics k6 collects automatically (_built-in_ metrics), and what custom metrics you can make k6 collect. Jul 1, 2023 · K6 is a widely-used open-source load testing tool written in Go. There are four distinct stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Executors can also drastically affect your results if you don’t get them right. 3 export default function Product developments and news from the k6 community. For example, -e K6_ITERATIONS=120 does not configure the script iterations. k6 always collects the following metrics, no matter what protocol the test uses: This flag just provides variables to the script, which the script can use or ignore. Now, let’s shift our focus to k6. k6 assigns the value incrementally for each new VU instance, starting from one. Get the stage index. Use Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Instead, k6 keeps track of the rate of failed checks as the test continues to run. Contribute to grafana/k6-docs development by creating an account on GitHub. js file in your project under test/performance and add the following: k6 Imports; import http from 'k6/http'; import { group, check, sleep } from 'k6'; import { Rate } from 'k6/metrics'; Test Variables Jul 3, 2023 · The report folder is named k6-browser-report-summary, and its path is specified as TestSummaryReport. Feb 3, 2022 · To store metrics from k6 to TimescaleDB there are five steps you need to follow: Step 1: Installing self-hosted TimescaleDB from a pre-built Docker container. k6. The next stage will send the same request target but spread over 30 seconds. By Your choice of executor determines how k6 models load. Jul 4, 2022 · In our options, we specify three stages with a different number of virtual users. Here are all the executor options in k6 and when you should use each one: k6 executors shared-iterations: Fix the number of total iterations for the entire test. A 2-3 hour k6 workshop with practical k6 examples using the QuickPizza demo app. It is an open-model executor, meaning iterations start independently of system response (for details, read Open and Closed models). When you run tests in k6 Cloud, the __VU value is per server/load generator. Let us begin with what I like the most about k6: easy to get started with (do your simple test run in minutes), A simple minimal API, pre-defined metrics, and tons of extensions. Running in k6 Cloud. The list of k6 extensions is long and includes the following: Avro; ZeroMQ; Ethereum; STOMP; MLLP; NATS; You can see the complete list of k6 extensions available in our documentation. Subscribe to our newsletter! Product developments and news from the k6 community. Add virtual users. There are 6 stages of development, divided into 3 levels. The setup and teardown functions, like the default function, need to be exported functions. Key metrics include: http_req_duration, the end-to-end time of all requests (that is, the total latency) What happens when you run k6 run main. With these example snippets, you’ll run the test with your machine’s resources. Due to our configuration, k6 first gradually increases the traffic from one user to a hundred users over five minutes. Jul 9, 2019 · There are other stages in the life-cycle of a k6 test, which includes setup and tear-down, which, clearly, are separate from the init and VU code. The first stage sets a duration of 15 seconds, over which k6 will create virtual users to send a total of 100 HTTP requests to the URL of your choice. Compare this behavior with K6_ITERATIONS=120 k6 run script. This way you can load test your application under different scenarios. 0. Key metrics include: http_req_duration, the end-to-end time of all requests (that is, the total latency) Stream the results to one or multiple services of your choice (for example, InfluxDB or Prometheus). Make sure to open() the file as binary Mar 8, 2022 · Hey @priyadharsini. The example performed ~300 iterations over the course of the test. Creates stages which will produce a normal distribution (bell-curve) of VUs for a test: getCurrentStageIndex: Get the index of the running stage as defined in the stages array options. If you want to contribute or help with the development of k6, start by reading CONTRIBUTING. A dummy example: your development team wants to evaluate the performance of two user-facing flows. They define the shape and volume of traffic that your k6 load testing script follows during test execution. With k6, you can verify the performance of your app against expected baselines in a way that’s not that different from assertions in unit testing. Let's look at how we can do this Oct 20, 2023 · Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development is a theory proposed by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987), which outlines the different levels and stages of moral reasoning that individuals go through as they develop their understanding of right and wrong. Based upon our test scenario inputs and results: The number of VUs is fixed at 10, and are initialized before the test begins; Jan 9, 2024 · Web アプリケーションや API の負荷テストに使えるツール、k6 を試してみました。この記事では、k6 の基本的な使い方についてご紹介します。 環境構築. Multiple VUs join a chat room and discuss various things for up to 1 minute, after which they disconnect. ramping-vus ramps the number of VUs according to your configured stages. Then, k6 uses the script value (if set). For example: The k6 documentation website. Lifecycle of a k6 test Jan 19, 2023 · K6 is an open-source load-testing tool that allows you to test the performance of web applications and APIs by simulating a large number of virtual users. For example i have some small test with given config. 500 VUh k6 testing; 50 GB logs, traces, and profiles; 50k frontend sessions; Examples. k6 considers this test a pass and exits with an exit code 0. k6 also supports ways to narrow or widen the scope of your redirects: You can redirect only from or to certain ports. k6 starts rate number of iterations evenly across the timeUnit (default 1s). tagWithCurrentStageIndex Sep 5, 2022 · Upload the custom image to your preferred registry and use it as a runner, like in the following example: apiVersion: k6. Feb 29, 2024 · For example, if our app typically has 100 users during weekdays and 1000 on weekends, this test helps see how it handles that load. e. In the console, we can see the print of summary report to stdout that contains a general overview of your test results. k6 helps engineering teams prevent errors and SLO breaches, enabling them to build resilient and high-performing applications that scale. Oct 20, 2021 · env is where we store k6 options (config. Step 2: Building the k6 binary with the TimescaleDB k6 extension. 👉 Get Started with k6 https://k6. With the constant-arrival-rate executor, k6 starts a fixed number of iterations over a specified period of time. This built-in metric keeps the rate between non-zero and zero/false values. To execute the first sample test that showcases how per-vu-iterations works, you can run: yarn test:demo. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. js). Follow along to learn how to: Run a test. As the documentation says, the K6_STAGES is just a shortcut:. k6 YouTube channel. Similar to other tags tag, the tag is added to all samples collected during the iteration. Documentation: Using metrics. The full guide describing how to use this repository is located here . Your choice of executor determines how k6 models load. For example, with a constant-arrival-rate executor and rate: 10, k6 tries to start a new iteration every 100 milliseconds. // Using a binary array as body. js, which does set iterations. io locally and via k6 Cloud. For example, the following command will run the test with 10 VUs. Jul 1, 2024 · During the precontemplation stage, people are not considering a change. The k6 community forum. When k6 starts, it spins up an HTTP server with a REST API that can be used to control some parameters of the test execution. k6 provides two types of tags: User-defined => the ones you added when writing the script, and . It is a shortcut option for a single scenario with a ramping VUs executor. System => automatically assigned by k6. Grafana Cloud is the easiest way to get started with Grafana k6 and performance With the constant-arrival-rate executor, k6 starts a fixed number of iterations over a specified period of time. Thus the executor works well with a shift-left policy, where emphasizes testing performance early in the development cycle, when the cost of a fix is An example use case is for quick performance tests in the developement build cycle. By default, passing system environment variables doesn't work for k6 archive, k6 cloud, and k6 inspect. Subscribe now ℹ️ Identifiers. As your test suite grows and more people are involved in performance testing, your modularization strategy becomes essential to building and maintaining an efficient testing suite. shared-iterations shares iterations between VUs. To override this mode, specify --include-system-env-vars. constant-VUs sends VUs at a constant number. Every k6 test emits built-in and Custom metrics. For example: 99% of requests should be successful; 99% of requests should have a latency of 1000ms or less Oct 6, 2023 · A Very Brief Introduction. js -e WORKLOAD=breaking? This was a simple example to showcase how you can modularize a test. For example, *. They are a simple and effective way to categorize k6 objects for subsequent filtering of results. 1 This section covers the important aspect of metrics management in k6. k6 options are items like VUs, test stages, etc. The first step is to create a k6_test. This is a security measure to avoid the risk of uploading sensitive data to k6 Cloud. The real power of the browser module shines when it’s combined with the existing features of k6. Load Test: Is a type of Performance Testing used to determine a system's behavior under both normal and peak conditions. json) and test run settings (settings. Overview. Jan 30, 2024 · If k6 doesn’t support a protocol you need, you can use (or create) extensions. Before you start coding, it might be a good idea to first discuss your plans and implementation details with the k6 maintainers—especially when it comes to big changes and features. Community. K6. Awesome k6. k6 QuickPizza examples - Web application used for demos and workshops with multiple k6 examples. To get the current running stage index, use the getCurrentStageIndex helper function from the k6-jslib-utils library. Scripting examples on how to use OAuth authentication in your load test. That’s why it requires the default method to be presented. By Jan 8, 2019 · What you basically want is a given set of stages to repeat over prolonged period of time. - data_sent: The An example use case is for quick performance tests in the development build cycle. In this webinar, learn how Grafana Cloud k6 offers you the best developer experience for performance testing. A repository with a course and a ton of learning resources; k6 YouTube channel. By default, that server listens on localhost:6565 , but that can be modified by the --address CLI flag. Jean Using k6, you can test the reliability and performance of your application and infrastructure. Get Jul 17, 2024 · Piaget’s stages of development describe how children learn as they grow up. io. Stages in k6 — Think of stages in k6 as different Dec 22, 2020 · Options. In fact, you can specify additional arguments when running k6 the command line. A list of awesome stuff about k6. OAuth authentication. A directory full of example k6 scripts for different use cases. Standard built-in metrics. On GitHub. The executor that you choose depends on the goals of your test and the type of traffic you want to model. Constant arrival rate. import nebulaPool from 'k6/x/nebulagraph'; import {check Let's look at different terms used in k6 to describe a test configuration in a scenario that uses a constant-arrival-rate executor: executor. I'm unusual in that I read much more documentation than I write code. While we believe that running large load tests is possible even when running on a single node, we recognize that this type of load testing is something some of our users might want to do. md. I am new to K6 and have a question regarding test execution. Syntax: var per = window. Modularize your k6 test logic and workload configuration. . In this particular test, we are telling k6 that we want to run the test with only a single virtual user (vus) or a single iteration, which makes sense for the context of this test. The following examples take a set of arguments, shown in the function documentation, and returns the response body as JSON so that you can extract the token from. Get Creates stages which will produce a normal distribution (bell-curve) of VUs for a test: getCurrentStageIndex: Get the index of the running stage as defined in the stages array options. These aggregation methods form part of the threshold In this case, the test met the criteria for both thresholds. WebSocket is a protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. To stop a k6 test, learn how to use the abortOnFail threshold option or integrate with the k6 CLI or Grafana Cloud k6. js. You can see a nice graph as well if you are testing your endpoint in different stages. mostly related to various stages of HTTP data negotiation and transmission. It’s shown in kilobytes and the rate per second. In the previous tutorials, you designed k6 scripts to assert performance and make comparing results easy. After, k6 uses the environment variable (if set). Current VU number in use. Each supported protocol also has its specific metrics. io/v1alpha1 kind: K6 metadata: name: k6-sample spec: parallelism: 18 script: configMap: name: crocodile-stress-test file: test. Thus the executor works well with a shift-left policy, where emphasizes testing performance early in the development cycle, when the cost of a fix is Ramping Arrival Rate is an evolution of the Constant Arrival Rate executor which introduces stages. ramu!. Finally, you close the page and the browser. By number of VUs. Step 4: Querying the TimescaleDB Database for k6 metrics. io would apply the override for all subdomains of k6. k6 automatically creates dashboards with test results when the execution Sep 13, 2020 · Thresholds are a powerful feature providing a flexible API to define various types of pass/fail criteria in the same test run. k6 has official GitHub Actions for performing k6 testing, which is grafana/k6-action@v0. The list of automatically created tags includes these: Proto tag Jun 19, 2019 · k6 and the Metrics. Example: This example shows how to get the performance object of the document using this property. We calibrated the script and deployed the application using manually configured freestyle Jenkins jobs, but it’s a good idea to have as much configuration as possible as code. Dec 1, 2020 · The performance property returns a Performance object, which can be further used to gather performance information about the current document. k6 examples - A list of common examples on the k6 documentation. Each stage defines its own timeframe for which to achieve the desired rate. Each VU receives messages sent by all chat participants. It can be used only with the executors that support the stages option as ramping-vus or ramping-arrival-rate. html (the same as what we passed in browserTest. In episode 7 of Learn #k6 Series, you will learn about #Scenarios and #Executors. 42. *. If you started by writing small, simple test cases, as recommended, now is the time to expand them. Increase the test duration. Example. Here's a load test for CrocoChat - a WebSocket chat API available on https://test-api. Feb 8, 2024 · APIの負荷テストツールにGrafana Labs社が開発している「k6」というツールがあります。 k6はオープンソースのCLIツールですが、 「Grafana Cloud k6」というクラウドベースSaaSツールも提供されている便利なツールです。 Sep 8, 2022 · Each stage has a duration parameter and a ramping target. export const options = { stages: [ { target: 10, duration: '30s'} ]} when i run test with this config, at the bottom of a console i can see this line [=====] 01/10 VUs. js arguments: --out prometheus=namespace=k6 ports: # Port where K6 exposes Prometheus metrics More complex examples could be combined from the basic examples from the list above. Running k6. js? What about k6 run main. Advanced Examples using the k6 Scenario API - Using multiple scenarios, different environment variables and tags per scenario. k6-typescript-template - Starter template using Webpack bundler to write k6 tests in Dec 15, 2021 · Beyond the required init and VU stages, which is code run for each VU, k6 also supports test-wide setup and teardown stages, like many other testing frameworks and tools. Oct 15, 2023 · There are several types, here are a few examples. performance Return Value: It returns a performance object. For example: The 99th percentile response time must be below 700 ms. k6-example git:(main) yarn test: May 13, 2020 · Read more about getting started with k6 testing here. All unique identifiers are sequentially generated starting from a base of zero (iterations) or one (VU IDs). The following graph depicts the performance of the example script:. Next, k6 uses the options set by the –config flag. For example, this snippet makes sure the HTTP response code is a 200: Issue an HTTP POST request. You may want to repeat this second phase to look for deeper performance problems, for example, ones that could only show up when multiple components are under load. Complement automation with a repeatable QA process. k6 を使い始めるにあたり、まずは環境構築が必要です。以下の環境で進めていきます。 macOS: Sonoma 14. NOTICE: Base and excerpt from the official k6 documentation option scopes In CLI flags In environment variables In script options object Order First, k6 uses the option’s default value. In distributed/cloud test runs, the test-wide iteration numbers and VU identifiers are still going to be unique across instances, though there might be gaps in the sequences when, for example, some instances execute faster iterations than others or allocate more VUs Jun 11, 2021 · To use the k6 functionalities, you can either manually run the script to install the tool on the virtual machine where the agent is running or install the k6 extension in your organization. so you may have a set of options for load tests (config Then, you can use check from the k6 API to assert the text content of a specific element. System tags in k6. Examples Apr 16, 2024 · Note: Replace the cloud token value in the example with the k6 token you just copied from the dashboard. Define the executor in executor key of the scenario object. Oct 9, 2021 · For example, you may use xsrf-tokens or pass a last request parameter to the next one. k6 aggregates metrics according to their type. Dec 25, 2023 · Output example of executing a k6 test - data_received: The total amount of data received from the target server during the test. It has gained significant popularity due to its straightforward Oct 22, 2022 · In this brief article, we will explore how we can run some basic load tests using k6. These examples build on the script from the previous section. json). For other options to analyze test results such as storage and time-series visualizations in real-time, refer to: Below we have included the script we used to run our tests locally. Sep 6, 2021 · Hello everyone. To execute the second sample test that showcases how to use stages, you can run: yarn test Jun 12, 2023 · export default function {} is the lifecycle stage used to execute the tests, you can find more about lifecycle stages here. k6 comes with built-in metrics about the test load and the system response. Metrics. Engineering teams, including Developers, QA Engineers, SDETs, and SREs, commonly use k6 for: K6 - Creating Load an Stress Tests with k6 This repository show to use k6 to create Load and Stress tests. import nebulaPool from It can specify the target number of VUs by k6 stages in options. example k6 script. As developers make changes, they might run the test against the local code to test for performance regressions. Office hours, specific playlists, and other interesting videos from the community. More Complex Test Cases. per-vu-iterations has each VU run the configured iterations. Jun 8, 2022 · Tags in k6. Jan 8, 2023 · This post explains how to get started with k6 browser, a k6 experimental module that adds browser-level APIs to interact with browsers and collect web performance metrics as part of your Grafana k6 tests. Use this command: k6 run --out cloud create-and-fetch-todo-http-request. 2. Starting from v0. Stages in k6 — Think of stages in k6 as different The k6 documentation website. We mentioned this at the beginning of the guide: automation in performance testing is about establishing a repeatable and consistent testing process. io/. Choices include: By number of iterations. This can be combined with a multitude of environment variables used to configure the load test such as k6_STAGES which can be used to set multiple stages of virtual users and duration. Fetching two different pages with a 0-30 second random sleep in between: import Product developments and news from the k6 community. Ramp the number of requests up and down as the test runs. Examples. K6 uses JavaScript as its scripting Different ways k6 can schedule VUs, their affects on test results, and how k6 implements the open model in its arrival-rate executors: Graceful Stop: A configurable period for iterations to finish or ramp down after the test reaches its scheduled duration: Arrival-rate VU allocation: How k6 allocates VUs in arrival-rate executors: Dropped Aug 17, 2022 · The process taught me a good deal not only about k6 but also about the experience of learning to use k6. 2. The fourth step would run the k6 loginTest. Next steps For simplicity to learn about k6 metric results, this tutorial uses the JSON output and jq to filter results. K6 is a developer-centric, open-source performance testing tool designed to be simple, efficient, and Some examples of threshold expressions are as follows: avg < 200 // average duration must be less than 200ms; count >= 500 // count must be larger than or equal to 500; p(90) < 300 // 90% of samples must be below 300; Aggregation methods by type. But, if you have a k6 Cloud account, you can also use the k6 cloud command to outsource the test to k6 Get the stage index. Jul 24, 2023 · In the lifecycle of a k6 test, a script always runs through these stages in the same order: Code in the init context prepares the script, loading files, importing modules, and defining the test Executors control how k6 schedules VUs and iterations. Finally, it gradually decreases the number of users to 0 over the last five minutes. . To assess the login endpoint's performance, your team may have defined service level objectives (SLOs). Each one schedules VUs and iterations differently, and you'll choose one depending on the type of traffic you want to model to test your services. As I did this challenge, I tried to be aware of how I navigated the k6 information environment, and I tried to think about how a developer would experience these docs in a Our example performed, 4020 iterations over the course of the test. Then, for five minutes, k6 stays flat on having a hundred users. May 6, 2021 · Here's Where k6 Shines: Setting Performance Goals The ability to set performance goals for your application is an aspect that differentiates k6 from other load testing tools. About Use k6 to write custom metrics and filter results. Nov 23, 2021 · Stages: A list of objects that specify the target number of VUs to ramp up or down. Subscribe now k6 provides the Tags and Groups APIs to help you during the analysis and easily visualize, sort and filter your test results. Read the details in the cloud docs. May 21, 2020 · We use the SCRIPT environment variable to indicate the load test we wish to run. Get support from For example, you want to start with some number of users for x amount of time. Then you want to increase your load for some x amount of time gradually. 3. 0, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wild card at the start of the host name to avoid repetition. Finally, k6 takes the value from the CLI flag (if set). The final stage sends out a target of 0 for 15 seconds. Run both browser-level and protocol-level tests in a single script. Fetching two different pages with a 0-30 second random sleep in between: Observations. com/QAInsi Sep 27, 2020 · The examples in this tutorial can be found is that we added a loadtest-cloud stage that uses the k6 cloud command to trigger cloud tests. It returns a zero-based number equal to the position in the shortcut stages array or in the executor's stages array. hq ej jj nf ht nz sv zz oe oj